




CHAPTER 16 | More Information

The Cooling Technology Institute, CTI, is a non-profit organization based in Houston, TX comprised of cooling tower users, manufacturers, and related service providers. It is probably best known for its test specifications and huge library of papers addressing all manner of cooling tower related subjects.

The American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, ASHRAE, is an international organization which is also non profit and headquartered in Atlanta, GA. They promote standards based on extensive research and publish comprehensive books. Most of the weather data used by system designers comes from ASHRAE publications.They have numerous local chapters which meet regularly for educational and social events. Anyone who’s business relates to air conditioning should join.

The Refrigerating Engineers and Technicians Association, RETA, is a non profit organization based in Chicago, IL. They publish educational materials that focus on industrial refrigeration and have numerous local chapters that meet regularly. Users and manufacturers of Evaporative Condensers should be interested in joining.

The Association of Energy Engineers has local chapters that deal with energy issues. Cooling Towers are a common fixture in most power plants and therefore receive considerable attention from this group.
